The 60 years experience into the glass bottle washing has been transferred into the 5 Gallon technology obtaining the most reliable washer on the worldwide 5G market. The machine is available for production capacity from 300 to 3.000 bph
Washing Cycle
The treatment time is the result of a washing cycle which can be customized in terms of number of stations and phases according to the customer standard and requirements.

HPS – High Pressure System
In case of difficult-to-clean bottle, the pressure of the rotary jets can be boosted from 3 to 6 bar. The HPS can’t 1 or more spraying stations.

Patented Gripping Plier
The added value of the Bardi 5G washer is based on the patented plier for bottle handling. This is unique system has been designed to grant high pressure internal nozzles, together with the exposure of the bottle neck to the external jets and brushing sections incorporated into the washer structure.

Brushing Treatment
Being the plier designed to allow the bottle rotation under the brushing action, the external part of the bottle can be brushed inside the washer.

Rotating Double Nozzles (Patented)
This mechanical system allows the jet to hit all the internal surface of the bottle, not just the bottom, but the handle and the walls too. The nozzles are self-cleaning thanks to the 180°
water flow reversal: this drastically reduces the maintenance activities.